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To Let

Sinclair House, 22 Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

10516 SqFt (976.97 SqM)
To Let: £62,500 Per Annum
Property description

Broadly the property comprises warehouse / workshop / office uses, over two levels, in a traditional steel portal frame industrial building. The property has been comprehensively redesigned and adapted over time with the installation of a large mezzanine floor, over the majority of building, leaving a small full height racked warehouse element, with a maximum eaves height of 5.5m (18 ft). There is office accommodation, and the ground floor has been partitioned to provide a number of
relatively small workshop and store areas. To the front of the building are a number of administrative and executive offices.
The mezzanine area is predominately open plan being used as workshop space along with partitioned offices to the front. There is a goods lift to access the mezzanine workshop area.
The warehouse & workshop areas have gas fired heating via a biomass boiler.
The overall site area is approximately 0.4 acres.

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Property description

Broadly the property comprises warehouse / workshop / office uses, over two levels, in a traditional steel portal frame industrial building. The property has been comprehensively redesigned and adapted over time with the installation of a large mezzanine floor, over the majority of building, leaving a small full height racked warehouse element, with a maximum eaves height of 5.5m (18 ft). There is office accommodation, and the ground floor has been partitioned to provide a number of
relatively small workshop and store areas. To the front of the building are a number of administrative and executive offices.
The mezzanine area is predominately open plan being used as workshop space along with partitioned offices to the front. There is a goods lift to access the mezzanine workshop area.
The warehouse & workshop areas have gas fired heating via a biomass boiler.
The overall site area is approximately 0.4 acres.

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